Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Scavanger Hunt

OMG! Yesterday, I went on a scavenger hunt which the Lead teachers called "The Amazing Biospherian Race."  It was the most strenuous experience of my life, plus it was a race.  I never watch that show, but perhaps I should start.  There were about 15 stations, but it felt like 40.  Like the game show on TV, we were given clues to figure out where we needed to go.  We were given a map of the Biosphere and away we went.  If you have been to the Biosphere, you know that climbing those steps is exhausting for just one trip.  But our group went up and down those steps at least 12 times, no kidding!  Huffing and puffing, we made our first station, and there was a Private Eye book with a jeweler's loop waiting for us.  Scientist and teachers love those tools.  At each station, we received something that we can use in the classroom.  But the Lead teachers made us work for them.  It wasn't easy.  At the last few stations, we received an IPod Touch and IPad2.  I was so elated!  These tools are just what I needed to use in the classroom, but, I did not know that at the time.  This is very new to me, and I'm excited to find out what possibilities this technology can bring to the classroom. Today, we are learning how to integrate some of the most interesting and useful APPs.  We will be using these tools to research data from the Biosphere.  Perhaps, I will be able to continue this research with my Fruchthendler students in the Fall.  I'm so excited!

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